Provisional Driving License

Who can obtain one

People who turn 17.5 years old can obtain a learner's driving licence. This licence, category B (passenger vehicle), allows you to start taking driving lessons at a driving school in order to obtain a regular driving licence.

The first step to obtaining a learner's driving licence is to read the Traffic Code, which contains everything you need to know (traffic signs, rules of the road, questions and answers for the theoretical part of the exam).

In order to better prepare for obtaining a learner's driving licence, our school provides theoretical lessons on road safety, car mechanics, and the Traffic Code.

Obtaining a provisional driving license


Applicants must appear in person at the offices of the Department of Road Transport or at Citizen Service Centers, along with all the relevant documents.

To issue a learner driver's license for the first time, the following must be submitted:

  1. Application for issuing a learner driver's license,(ΤΟΜ 7Γ).
  2. Two recent photographs size 40X35 mm.
  3. Identification card or passport
  4. Certificate of successful examination.
  • In case the applicant holds a valid driving license or a valid learner's driving license, they must provide the valid driving license or valid learner's driving license.
  • A health certificate must be provided, in case the applicant is 70 years old and above.
  • A health certificate must be provided, in case of physical disability.

What does it cover

The following vehicles are covered by the provisional license:

  • AM license, provided you have reached the age of 17
  • B, B1, A1, BE license, provided you have reached the age of 17.5
  • C1, C1+E, Στ and ΙΒ, license, provided you have reached the age of 18
  • C, C+E, D1, D1+E and special categories Η, Ζ and Θ, provided you have reached the age of 21
  • D, D1+E, provided you have reached the age of 24
The provisional driving license expired within a year of the issued date

Renewing your provisional driving license


The relevant documents should be presented in person by the applicant or through a representative at the Road Transport Department offices (central and district) or at Citizen Service Centers.

Applicants must appear in person at the offices of the Department of Road Transport or at Citizen Service Centers, along with all the relevant documents.

To renew a learner driver's license, the following must be submitted:

  1. Application for issuing a learner driver's license,(ΤΟΜ 7Γ).
  2. Two recent photographs size 40X35 mm.
  3. Identification card or passport
  4. Previous driver's license or learner's permit.
  • In case the applicant holds a valid driving license or a valid learner's driving license, they must provide the valid driving license or valid learner's driving license.
  • A health certificate must be provided, in case the applicant is 70 years old and above.
  • A health certificate must be provided, in case of physical disability.
  • In the case of an applicant for the renewal of a Learner's Driving License who is a foreigner, the presentation of a residence permit and proof of payment for a visa is required.
  • For applicants renewing a Learner Driver's License for a motor vehicle of categories C, C+E, D, D+E, C1, C1+E, D1, D1+E, and special categories Ζ, Η, Θ, a Health Certificate is required, which is valid for 3 months from the date of issuance. In case the applicant does not intend to present a Medical Certificate for the above categories, they must complete a Responsible Declaration in order to have the above categories removed from their driving license.